17 Livery Braids
17 Livery Braids
17 Livery Braids
17 Livery Braids

17 Livery Braids
19th c

Beautifully tightly woven. Are they French with the fleur-de-lys on the shield? I think these would have been for a servant's coat, hence including them in the dress section. They would look good applied to cushions.


Seventeen woven lengths featuring a shield divided into four with fleur-de-lys and stars, a knight above with a fox on his helmet, all in shades of red, yellow, mid blue, white, brown on a black ground, edged in yellow.

All approximately 14 in x 1 1/4 in; 36 x 3+  cm



Price: £200 | $260 | €240

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