Charles II Period
Charles II Period

Charles II Period
c 1660

A very nice example which would make a lovely present for an embroiderer or gardener.

Pinks are the original name for carnations. A slip is an embroidered motif, often a plant or flower with foliage.  They acquired their name from gardeners' slips or cuttings. To propagate a plant the gardener takes a stem cutting the base with a diagonal heel, then potting up the cutting to form a new plant. These embroidered motifs were popular on bedhangings from the mid sixteenth to the mid seventeenth centuries. smaller motifs were used on boxes and mirror frames.




A stem with a fully opened pink flower and a bud, in burgundy, green and beige wool in tent stitch, outlined with yellow couched wool, red linen backing.

5 x 4  in; 12.5 x 10 cm


This has faded and is now pastel colours. Very pretty.



See my ARTICLE on Slips

The Victoria & Albert Museums's Textile Collection. Embroidery in Britain 1200-1750  p 54 & 55 for similar slips.

Price: £395 | $510 | €470

Ref N°: 8495

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