This delightful needlework has been made into a luxurious cushion. Originally it might have been from a bed pelmet or valance.
With six figures including a man in a pointed hat and vertically striped robe; a woman holidng a looking glass with a exotic hat with flowing scarf; A man with feathered hat holding a parasol, A boy seated smoking a pipe; a man in pointed hat wearing white a robe and a woman in a red robe, all surrounded by a spotted dog, an exotic bird, chinoiserie buildings, trees bearing fruits and foliage, in crimson, mid and lighter blue, green, natural shades on a black ground, embroidered in gros and petit point stitches, the cushion trimmed with silk tassels and entwined passmenterie, feather filled and backed with sage green wool/linen.
2 ft x 21 in ; 62 x 54 cm sq.
Very very good.
Catalogue of Embroideries in The Lady Lever Art Gallery, by Xanthe Brooke p 207/208
LL5446 (WHL2250)
All images and text © 2021