Stunning. If you know who designed this fabric please let me know. I would consider selling these seperately.
A pair of bright red cotton ground printed with large Etruscan pots and containers, each with scenes of people, in grey, grey green, dull ochre and tan and a little black.
Repeat 29 in; 74 cm.
A pair. 8ft 4 in x 49 in; 2.54 x 1.25 m wide. £ 650.
A single length. 8ft 4 in x 49 in; 2.54 x 1.25 m wide. The design on this length starts at a different position so would be difficult to match up with the pair above. So am selling this as a single length. £300
Very very good. The very edges have fold marks from when they were turned under for curtains.
Price: £650 | $840 | €780
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