Jamdani Shawl
Jamdani Shawl
Jamdani Shawl
Jamdani Shawl
Jamdani Shawl

Jamdani Shawl
Early 19th c

Woven in Dacca, Bangledash using the finest of cotton threads. This shawl would have been made for export, for Western women to fold into a triangle and use as a shawl.


The borders with a flower meander in white cotton, which shines against the cotton muslin ground, a narrow inner border or guard stripe with small stylised flowerheads, the outer with larger blossoms.

5ft; 1.50 m square


There are two very small marks centre left. Another bottom right. I have placed a pinhead next to them, so you can see the size.  There are light brownish markings where the shawl has been folded and stored. I feel fairly sure that a conservator could remove these.


Muslin Saiful Islam

Muslin Sonia Ashmore

Price: on request

Ref N°: 1411

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