This Renaissance design is one of six featured in the Studio Yearbook of 1907 and called Dusseldorf. The article mentioned: Dusseldorf is an elaborate design of early 16th century, constructed in pale wavy bands, broken by prominent rosettes.
Wardle had links with the museum and art school in Krefeld, north-west of Dusseldorf, and centre of the silk weaving industry in Germany. He knew the museum director, Herr Schultz who was attached to the Royal Weaving School at Crefeld, The museum had a magnificent Royal Textile Collection. In 1893 Wardle invited Schultz to talk at the Royal Society, London on historic textile designs. Wardle was influenced by descriptions of historic textiles which were shown in the talk but had probably seen this design in the museum* By the time this fabric was printed Thomas Wardle had died and his son was running the business. He clearly thought the design was commercial.
A Renaissance design of gently curving wide ribbon meander, large ogivals filled with small flowers on a wide meandering stem, with tulips, the ground with branches, flowers and leaves, indigo resist printed with red, pink, pale blue grey and natural shades on a ground woven with a small repeat diamond design.
8ft 4 in x 50 in; 2.55 m x 1.27 cm selvedge to selvedge.
Repeat 28 in; 71 cm.
As you should be able to see there is a wide 17 in; 44 cm band on the right hand side which is damaged and faded.
Studio Year Book 1909.
Dye, Print, Stitch. Textiles by Thomas and Elizabeth Wardle by Brenda King, p 74.
Silk and empire by Brenda M King
William Morris Gallery, Walthamstow. For similar length - Catalogue F438
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